halloween play

Quarks are empathetic collaborations.  Collaboration is a key component of how we learn at Quantum Academy.  As a project-based learning intermediate school, we seek to collaborate with others in our community to make learning realistic and authentic.  In the 22-23 school year, two 7th grade students had an idea.  They wanted to lead an enrichment class, called Explore and Elements, to teach students American Sign Language.  This completely student-run class was popular with our Quarks and the class took off from there!  Our students lead with empathy and these student mentors were looking for ways to impact the community.  Teacher Amy Murphy reached out to LR Green Elementary Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher Olivia Hannigan and wanted to build a collaborative experience between our students learning to sign and LR Green students who use sign language to communicate and learn.  

They started with some zoom sessions to break the ice and learn how to communicate with each other.  Then, we were able to expand the collaboration to an in-person field trip later that year.  Quantum ASL students went over to LR Green and enjoyed meeting each other in person.  They enjoyed lunch and some playtime on the LR Green playground. 

This school year, we again thought of our friends in planning our Quantum Aquatica project, where 7th graders plan a water park day during the Week of Welcome for the QA campus and invite students from Orange Glen and the Medical Therapy Unit.  We invited students who use sign language from LR Green and Bear Valley and were so thrilled when they accepted!  Everyone had a great time playing together and running the water stations.  Students say it’s the best day ever!

Learning a language takes practice so when our friends were putting on a Halloween play at LR Green, we knew we had to be there.  Mrs. Hannigan’s Pre-K-5th grade Deaf and Hard of Hearing students worked with a 4th grade class to put on an incredible show!  The beauty of empathy is that it drives us to take action to impact others.  This action led us to this powerful collaboration and meaningful experience for students across three different campuses.

Happy Halloween everyone!